Growing up as a child I played baseball and idolized the San Francisco Giants. We used to go see games at Candlestick Park, and always sat in the Upper Deck. We would also bring our own food because the food at the park was so expensive. It wasn't until my adult life that I ever sat in the "expensive" seats. We would usually sneak down to the lower level in the 8th or 9th inning, but I was in heaven in the upper deck at Candlestick. My favorite player was Will the "Thrill" Clark, and the World Series of 89' was one that I will not forget.

I would gladly forget the outcome of the series with the Giants being swept by that d-bag Jose Canseco and his bash bros, but the real craziness that is forever lodged into my memory was the Earthquake. I was playing hide and go seek with Dan and my brother Walt, when the earth shook and rumbled. It felt like I was surfing on pavement (although I hadn't surfed up to that point), and I will never forget that my brother was hiding in between some metal trash cans and was yelling as they banged around him. Up in the Santa Cruz Mountains, we lost power for several weeks, and it took my dad nearly the entire night to make it back home from work from Mountain View. It was a very hectic time that made baseball seem very insignificant.

It would be over a decade until my beloved San Francisco Giants made it back to the World Series. I was living in Santa Barbara, and missed several weeks of college to follow the Giants on their Post Season quest. This was so close to being one of the happiest memories ever, but that damn rally monkey spoiled all my fun (my Grandma Pat had to have one which hurt even more), and again my boys in orange and black came up short.
Finally, after nearly 30 years of life, I may have the opportunity to see the Giants win a world series. Living in Austin, I have met so many fellow Giants fans, and I can't think of a more fitting way for them to achieve what I've wanted for so long with me living in the same State as their AL oppenent.
With the Giants playing Texas while I'm living in Austin, I can't help but think that it is a sign, otherwise why would I be here in Austin? Beer? Music? The Economy? I can't be sure as to the true reason, but I will know in about a week if I was brought here to Texas to help the Giants take home the glory, and finally become World Series Champs! Until then, I will take the torture! Go Giants!