Room with a view - break your back beach |
It has been a blistering summer in Austin thus far (not much surf either), and I couldn't hardly wait to escape the Texas heat and head South to Nuevo Vallarta and Sayulita, Mexico.
Given my past experiences in Mexico (sting ray attack, falling off a cliff, Montezuma's revenge, rolled vehicles, etc.) I was expecting something to go wrong----- And it did. The first night we were in town,
Hurricane Dora ripped through town bringing thunder (shattered windows), lightning, and a torrential downpour. This rain managed to make large puddles on the (steep and dark) steps throughout our resort. I can't be sure if it was the water on the steps, or the Don Julio shots, or my curse in Mexico (think the episode of The Brady Bunch in Hawaii when they get cursed), but I managed to slip and fall down the stairs on my back.
Luckily for me when I fell, a local Mexican man rushed to my aid, cradled me in his arms, held me tight, and was yelling to the locals to get help. I ended up not getting help, but he held me close, and after that disappeared, never to be seen again. I never got his name, and we continued on, drinking more Don Julio as the ravenous night pressed on.The next morning I could barely sit up or move or think for that matter due to the pain in my back. After the Hurricane (remnants) passed through town, I knew that with me barely being able to breath without extreme pain, that this was going to be a long trip with not much surfing.
Two of my favorite things: Pacifico and Surfing - Sayulita |
To make a very long story short (ask Leyla about the full version), I was only able to surf the last day of the trip due to my injury on the first night. On the last day we were in Sayulita, and I was bummed that it was too small for the left to be breaking (I'm a goofy footer).
I surfed the right (with about 50 of my closest friends), and it was fun waist high surf. The water was a perfect temperature, and there was a friendly and fun vibe (reminded me of Cowells) out in the water. I rented a board from WildMex (one of the owners was from Chicago), and was super stoked to meet some local surfers! We spent the day in the water surfing, and drinking Pacificos. It was a great way to spend our last full day in Mexico.
Numbs the pain! |
I was super stoked to be in Mexico despite my
accidente keeping me from surfing most of the trip. It was great swimming in the pacific ocean every day, eating amazing food, being with great friends and the wifey, drinking Don Julio and my favorite all time favorite cerveza Pacifico (see pictures below), and enjoying the sounds of crashing waves outside my window.
It looks like I will have to take another trip this year to fulfill my surfing needs (there should be several), and if I have time I may write another post about me getting stuck upside down repelling down a 100 foot waterfall where they filmed Predator on the second day of this trip. The Mexico curse continues! Here are a couple of pictures of Las Olas and some Pacifico's too!
Hurricane Dora on her way to town |
Beach groomer ahead of Dora |
Our backyard - Nuevo Vallarta |
Best beer ever! Pacifico in the jungle! |
Baja flashbacks |
Beautiful Sayulita |
Represent |
WildMex hooked it up |
Another trip, another survivor's tale! |
Live Happily Ever Now!
Ahora viven felices para siempre!
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